I was so sorry to hear this morning about Danis. She was such a wonderful, kind, cheerful person. We had a marvelous time together at the Junior Prom a " few years ago," and relived many great memories when seeing each other over the years at the Reunions. I remeber many fond times going over to her home on the South side and visiting with her parents and sisters. My condolences to her family, and that beautiful smile and gentle kindness will certainly live on in my memory as long as I am on this earth.
I have an indelible memory of Danis sitting next to me during homeroom our Freshman year. She would arrive in the morning dressed in her blue band uniform, carrying her musical instrument in a leather case. She always had a smile on her face, and would give me a cheerful "Good Morning" without fail. Who could ask for a better start to the day. She will be sorely missed.
Danis Walker - Everybody's favorite girlfriend. We shared her. Seemed like the thing to do. Of course we were 7 to 10 years old. Later in life David McGinnis let the thoughts of her guide him in making a quilt. According to David it came out in soft, sweet colors entirely circled in blond. What frustrated him was that he could never capture how nice and caring she was. Well, who could? Danis and I belonged to St. Paul's Church. We were both in the junior choir. Danis belonged there - I didn't. The day Mrs. Curran told me that I couldn't sing no matter how hard I tried, I went outside and sat on the back steps and shed some tears. Danis came out and sat down beside me. We didn't say anything to each other. We didn't need to.
Jack Sinow
I was so sorry to hear this morning about Danis. She was such a wonderful, kind, cheerful person. We had a marvelous time together at the Junior Prom a " few years ago," and relived many great memories when seeing each other over the years at the Reunions. I remeber many fond times going over to her home on the South side and visiting with her parents and sisters. My condolences to her family, and that beautiful smile and gentle kindness will certainly live on in my memory as long as I am on this earth.
Mike Wadsworth
I have an indelible memory of Danis sitting next to me during homeroom our Freshman year. She would arrive in the morning dressed in her blue band uniform, carrying her musical instrument in a leather case. She always had a smile on her face, and would give me a cheerful "Good Morning" without fail. Who could ask for a better start to the day. She will be sorely missed.
Dick Pierce
Danis Walker - Everybody's favorite girlfriend. We shared her. Seemed like the thing to do. Of course we were 7 to 10 years old. Later in life David McGinnis let the thoughts of her guide him in making a quilt. According to David it came out in soft, sweet colors entirely circled in blond. What frustrated him was that he could never capture how nice and caring she was. Well, who could? Danis and I belonged to St. Paul's Church. We were both in the junior choir. Danis belonged there - I didn't. The day Mrs. Curran told me that I couldn't sing no matter how hard I tried, I went outside and sat on the back steps and shed some tears. Danis came out and sat down beside me. We didn't say anything to each other. We didn't need to.