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11/30/16 10:01 AM #3    


Mary Mall (Schuster)


My thoughts & prayers go out to you & your family at this most difficult time.  Larry loved our class, did many wonderful things to keep us together & will be greatly missed.

12/01/16 12:32 PM #4    

Jack Sinow

I too express my deep condolences to Wendy and the Family. Larry was a friend for all of us, whether we lived in Dixon or across the country. I always appreciated his e-mails regarding the class. I have fond rememberances of Larry in school and at our reunions. I will miss him.

11/03/17 12:00 PM #5    

Doug Stuart

Another of our lovely souls has passed on. Here's the message I received this morning from Sally Welty's husband Brian Hedrick:

Sally's well lived life is over.  She passed yesterday at home.  Wake is Sunday 2 to 5 pm at Jones Funeral home in Dixon.  Mass on Monday 10:30 am at St Pat's in Dixon.  Obit will be in the suburban paper....Daily with Rockford Register Star.  Also in the Dixon Telegraph.

Not sure who to notify in your class now that Larry Hagan is gone.


Doug Stuart

11/04/17 04:16 PM #6    

Sandy Tilton (McCormick)

I am so sorry to hear of Sally's passing.  My heart goes out to her family.

11/05/17 08:27 AM #7    


Mary Mall (Schuster)

Thanks, Doug for letting us know about Sally.  Brian & family please accept our deepest sympathy at this difficult time.  Our thoughts, prayers & love are with you & family.  Take care!

11/05/17 03:42 PM #8    

Louise Shippert (Bishop)

So very sorry to hear of Sally Welty Hedrick's passing.   I have the most happy memories of her and our lives in high school.   Prayers and condolences to her family.   Love to all, Louise

11/05/17 04:25 PM #9    


Richard Jessie

So very sorry to hear of Sally Welty Hedrick's passing.  Prayers and condolences to her family

11/06/17 11:12 AM #10    


Judy Long (Rorer)

I was so saddened to hear of Sally’s passing.  Our prayers are with her family.

05/04/18 06:12 PM #11    


Judy Long (Rorer)


Thanks to the Reunion Committee for putting this together!  Steve and I are so looking forward to seeing everyone, but so sad as I review the classmates we've lost.  We will be flying in from our "Time Share Condo" in Northern Vermont, so was pleased  to see that it was going to be more casual.  Makes the packing a bit more simple.  For that matter, at our age, simple is BEST!!!!  Ha!

Again, thanks so much for all you do to keep us all together.

Judy Rorer

08/23/18 04:59 PM #12    


Andy Chinouth

I  have just heard of Loren Wilson's passing away  and am deeply sadened. As with the other classmates that have slipped away from our closenit family we take heart. Great memories and unforgettable times mixed with a wee bit of WELL YOU NO! Rest In Peace my friend.

08/25/18 09:02 AM #13    


Mary Mall (Schuster)

Loren was a great guy & so friendly to all of us in school.  Prayers & thoughts are with his family.















11/18/20 08:05 AM #14    


Carol Bishop (Covato)

So sorry to hear of Roger Hoyle passing. Such great memories of him and Jan. RIP Roger

01/11/21 07:16 AM #15    


Richard Jessie

Thank you for the recent photo and for the video posted.  I left Dixon in 1963 so it is interesting to see some things are still the same and some have changed.  Whoever did the video did a great job and it is appreciated.

12/31/21 12:32 PM #16    

Charles Burke

Happy birthday "Cookie Dan" 🎉🎉

12/31/21 12:34 PM #17    

Charles Burke

Happy Birthday "Cookie Dan" 🎉🎉

01/07/22 01:39 PM #18    


Ed Myers

So so, sorry to hear about Parker's passing.  I have very fond memories of him and send my heartfelt condolences to his family.


10/04/22 07:06 PM #19    


Terry Johnson

Sorry to hear about philip. His new journey is a road of peace, love, tranquility and dedication to the new fields awaiting him.

Terry Johnson


03/14/23 11:49 AM #20    


Mike Julian (Julian)

As the Class of ‘63 has scheduled another reunion, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Joe Como and Sandy Jurechka for letting me out of my wall locker. Lee Potts stuffed me into my wall locker on multiple occasions. Sandy came to school on the last bus to arrive and let me out more than once. I never did find out who grabbed me from behind and threw me off the Peoria Avenue Bridge into the Rock River. These and other messages I received from students and teachers over my four years at DHS conveyed that I was somehow a burden. I now live just a few miles from Bob O’Conner. I’ve contacted him but he has no time for a meet. So, the question becomes what after all this time would coming to a reunion gain for me or the survivors of the class?

I would like to thank Miss Christine Bessmer (Latin) for her message to my mother that I would never graduate HS-that I would never make it on my own. In 1987, I finished a Masters’ Degree in Strategic Intelligence at the Defense Intelligence College (now the JMIC). I set the school record for academic achievement and my thesis was one of two published from a class of 79.

I would also like to thank the Draft Board for allowing me to serve during the Vietnam era. After almost ten years in the Army on active duty and two years in the Army Reserves, I switched to the Navy Reserves an finished another ten years of service. Along the way, I served in the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, as a Defense contractor, had my own construction company, repaired projectors, was an automotive overhaul mechanic and a real estate agent. I had fun every day.

Physically, I’m no longer four and a half feet tall and 65 pounds. No one beats on me anymore. Since the Army came into my life, no one ever told me that I would fail. What I learned, I taught to others. My time was spent helping people as much as I could, standing under the Flag, serving and protecting the country in very unusual ways. I never expected to have those privileges. The greatest gifts were wife and family.

The class of ’63 contributed foundations for social skills. I got beaten, tripped, pushed down stairs—scarcely a day went by that someone didn’t knock my books out of my arms. Y’all were great. If I ever got a tattoo, it would be the Golden Rule. I wish to thank Dick Smith and Larry Hagan for their personal efforts to invite me to previous reunions. Thank you.

My membership on the class website is much appreciated, but I do wonder if this message will be allowed. Please enjoy the gifts God gave you. 

03/15/23 09:48 AM #21    


Richard Jessie

Hello Michael,

I just read your post about your four years at Dixon High School.  I know what happened to you should have never happened, and I hope that I, particularly as one of about five to ten Black students, did not participate in your harassment.   If I did participate, please accept my apology.  You didn’t deserve to be treated that way at Dixon High or anywhere else.  However, I am proud of you for moving on with your life.

I visited you several years ago and planned on doing so again, but after reading an email you cc’d me on, I felt our core political and social values were too far apart for a healthy friendship.  However, I respect your military and civilian service and achievements and am very thankful for what you have done for this county.  I wish you the best in our “golden years.”

03/15/23 11:42 AM #22    

Jimmy Webb

well said mike. i also served in vietnam and very much respect your committment to our country.

I remember you more from st. marys since I only spent 1 semester there before graduating at mid year.

I have found especially in small towns the past never lets go.

one of the reasons I moved to chicago for 25 years. sweet anonynimity

stay healthy and proud.

jim webb

03/15/23 04:08 PM #23    

Burton Wolf


I would also like to add my disappointment for what happened to you at DIxon High.

My hope is that our fellow classmates who did these things to you will be able to jot a few appropriate lines to you to try to create some positive refections on our years at DHS.

I pay that your years of service have served to leave you with a joy and peace that unpleasant memories can not undo.

Hopefully, the writing you did has been helpful to you and to other former classmates as we've read and reflected.on the high school years from the perspective of the maturity of our adult years. I'm sure there are many things that most of us view differently from our current perspective compared to our years of youth and immaturity.

I for one have had many regrets for thoughts and actions of the past.

Burt Wolf


03/16/23 10:43 AM #24    

Jack Sinow


I live in San Francisco and you are forever welcome at my home. Reading your story, it is my priveilege to know you, thank you for your service, and always wish you and your family only the best.


03/16/23 11:39 AM #25    


Mike Julian (Julian)

To all of you that responded, THANK YOU. I appreciate your positive comments. To Richard Jessie--we are not far apart-that's your interpretation. That said, you were always one of the good guys--a true gentleman. Since I gave you a ride home in the old Jeep, I know your journey through life was much worse than mine. IMHO, no one achieved more than you did. In review I find it somehow strange that most of those who acted against me are all dead so no disparagement there. They have already been judged. I hope my words will capture what it means to young people who have no where to turn and no support. Perhaps the most appalling aspect of my 4 years at DHS was the attitude of some of the teachers to include Sheldon Bross. I thank everyone in the class of '63 for the attitude that was built into my life. You taught me to never back down--it took awhile. 

To the best teacher ever--Katherine Marie Wright. She taught my father during her first year at DHS and he was afraid of her. I took my wife and daughter to meet her one Christmas and she treated them like royalty. 

04/27/24 10:43 AM #26    

Bob O'Connor

Surprise, surprise. After 31 years of being single, I just got married on April 19!!! I'm betting you didn't have that on your BINGO card!! Now living the dream.  Bob O'Connor

04/29/24 12:01 PM #27    

Lynn Hey (Kelly)

Congratulations and best wishes to you and your new wife. We're never too old for new adventures.

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